My Approach
Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)
Emotionally Focused therapy (EFT) is an intervention based on scientific study of adult love and bonding processes in couples. It is designed to address distress in the intimate relationships of adults by helping them to become aware of attachment-related insecurities. The goal of EFT is to learn how to interact with your romantic partner in a more loving, responsive, and emotionally connected way, which can result in a more secure attachment.​
Ida Rolf Method & Reflexology
As we move through life, we develop not only emotional but also physical patterns of preferred behaviour. Initially we choose our movement patterns but, as they become familiar, they fall outside the zone of consciousness, and we move with comparatively little awareness. I have implemented various skills and a vast amount of knowledge from my education as Rolfer and Reflexologist into my Therapeutic approach which provide a “window of awareness” between muscular tension, digestive issues and pent-up emotions.​
Transpersonal Psychology
For the past 18 years, I have studied several wisdom traditions, seeking to understand the essence of their philosophy as well as the practice and methods involved, and found inspiration in Zen, Buddhism, Occultism, Sufism, Taoism, Egyptology, Yoga,Tantra, Animism, Shamanism etc. I’m committed to constant evolution and self-inquiry, and to travel deep within, stripping layer after layer, searching for my own truth and authenticity, while inspiring others to do the same. I’m driven by exploring other aspects of reality as it speaks to my thirst for knowledge, experience, and adventure. I feel a deep urge to assist and guide people on a transformational journey and I believe that for me to assist others, I must walk the path myself to truly embody my services. I feel deeply connected to Nature and is a humble student of the Master Plant Teachers and a facilitator of Psychedelic experiences.​
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is an integrated part of my approach to treatment. Mindfulness may be understood as the state in which one becomes more aware of one's physical, mental, and emotional condition in the present moment, without becoming judgmental. For some, even small negative thoughts can accumulate and/or spiral out of control, leading to conditions such as depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation. Mindfulness can be of great benefit, as it can enable people to become better able to separate themselves from negative thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations that may be present, often before they become too overwhelming. It is my experience that those who can achieve this state of awareness may find it easier to implement other therapeutic strategies during the course of therapy to help further psychological insight and emotional healing, over time. ​
Emotionally Focused Therapy
Emotionally Focused therapy (EFT) is an intervention based on scientific study of adult love and bonding processes in couples. It is designed to address distress in the intimate relationships of adults by helping them to become aware of attachment-related insecurities. The goal of EFT is to learn how to interact with your romantic partner in a more loving, responsive, and emotionally connected way, which can result in a more secure attachment.​
Internal Family System
Internal family system (IFS) is a powerfully transformative, evidence-based model that believes the mind is made up of several parts or sub-personalities. The underlying concept of this theory is that we all have several parts living within us that fulfil both healthy and unhealthy roles and they operate much like families interact. Life events or trauma, however, can force us out of those healthy roles into extreme roles. The goal of IFS is to unite you with… yourself! It’s all about learning to parent yourself, be kind to yourself, heal and unite the parts of yourself that have been excluded or polarized, in order to become a functional self-caring “system” again.​
Social Work
Social work has always been the core from which my work and values derive. I have always found it essential to serve the thriving of others and to volunteer my time whenever it’s possible. I have an inherent desire to improve the lives of people who are less fortunate or unable to advocate for themselves and I respect the differences between my personal beliefs and those of my clients, taking ethnic and cultural diversity into account. I operate with a high level of integrity, which means acting honest, responsible and ethical at all times. Finally I continually strive to improve my knowledge by making contributions to my profession and participating in continuing education classes or professional conferences on a regular basis.​